why now

What Others Say About Timing

If you’ve been following me here, you know that I spent the last couple years workshopping, speaking, and writing about the impact timing has on the success of a product. In extension of that, the following is an overview of different approaches I’ve found of others dealing with the timing question.  The following is an […]

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What People Miss About Timing

What People Miss About Timing

They say timing is everything in business. But how do you determine if your timing is right?

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Measuring Your Market? Consider Timing.

Measuring Your Market? Consider Timing.

10 years ago today, NYU finance professor Aswath Damodaran, well-known for his work on corporate valuations, posted an article on Uber. The rideshare company was already a unicorn (a new term at the time), with a $17B valuation.  Yet, Damodaran ran the numbers and came up with a more modest $5.9B valuation. The title of […]

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50 Timing Examples (the Why Now question)

50 Timing Examples (the Why Now question)

How does startup timing (or the “why now” question) impact business success? Here are 50 timing examples from startup pitch decks, interviews, and articles.

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Running a “Why Now” Session

Running a “Why Now” Session

How to figure out if your product is going to hit the market at the right time.

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Avoid the Analysis of Others (Why Now)

Avoid the Analysis of Others (Why Now)

If you’re finding this post now, I actually wrote a book about all this… It’s called Why Now: How Good Timing Makes Great Products. You’ll get a fuller perspective there. This is another in the Why Now series. You might also like to read these posts: Why Now: Timing and Product Success and Timing Drivers […]

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Timing Drivers Visualized (the Why Now question part 2)

Timing Drivers Visualized (the Why Now question part 2)

If you’re finding this post now, I actually wrote a book about all this… It’s called Why Now: How Good Timing Makes Great Products. You’ll get a fuller perspective there. In the previous post on Why Now: Timing and Product Success I introduced 12 timing drivers. That list of drivers was Technological, Social/Behavioral, Regulatory/Legal, Installed […]

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Why Now: Timing and Product Success

Why Now: Timing and Product Success

How does timing impact product success? That’s the “why now” question. Answer the “why now” and improve your odds.

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