Why Now

They say that timing is one of the most important factors determining the success or failure of a product. But how do you figure out if your timing is right? How do you describe your timing advantage?

To help you do just that, I wrote a book on timing, called Why Now: How Good Timing Makes Great Products. Apart from the book, I’m now offering this knowledge and experience in high-impact consulting as well.

Because I love the timing topic and want to explore it with more people, I made the options affordable as an experiment over the summer. Here are ways to work with me directly on timing (or other issues).

Monthly Option For startups with a longer-term need
per month
  • One hour of background analysis of your product and four one-hour Zoom calls over a month.
  • Develop an understanding of timing drivers relevant to your situation and how they impact your business model.
  • We will discuss product decisions, how to pitch them, and more.
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Lightning Option For quick impact
for two hours
  • One hour of background analysis of your product plus a one-hour discussion over Zoom.
  • Develop an understanding of timing drivers relevant to your situation and how they impact your business model.
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Hourly Options For general questions
per hour
  • A one-hour Zoom call where you set the agenda.
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The Details

Founders are obsessed with honing their skills in design, development, customer discovery, analytics, sales, presenting, and more.

But there’s one question you need to answer to give yourself an extra edge when you’re getting ready to raise capital or when you’re choosing where to put product development resources.

That’s the timing, or “why now,” question.

That is, why is this the right time for your specific product to exist? What trends impact the potential success of your product? If a similar product failed earlier, why do we expect it to be different this time? How should you tell that story to potential investors, team members, and partners?

I’m fascinated with questions like these.

For a while I quietly researched the topic and ran workshops as I learned. Recently, I pulled that all together in a book called Why Now: How Good Timing Makes Great Products. If you’re interested in benefitting from timing analysis and learning lots of case studies and actionable frameworks, you’ll love the book.

How do I know what it will be like to work with you?

Well, I did write a book on the topic…

And I’ve workshopped, presented, and spoken about Why Now for groups including:

Understanding timing and then choosing where to focus your limited resources pays off. Focus on products that are more likely to be supported by a convergence of trends, or what I called “Timing Drivers.” Understand how timing impacts your business model. Then learn to express those findings to potential investors, team members, and new hires. That and much more.

Think of me as the book plus all the experience that went into writing it. I’ll take you through my timing frameworks as they fit your situation, relevant case studies, and will be a resource for you to work through what many VCs recognize as one of the most important reasons behind startup success (timing again).

Having individual consulting conversations on the “why now” question will help you beyond what the book can do.

Still not sure? Here are some testimonials…

“The Timing Workshop with Paul was quite ‘timely’ for our premium Edtech SaaS company. During the session, Paul guided us to identify and reflect on the drivers that impact our market potential and importantly, how to express those drivers. Walking away from the session, we also gained the ability to answer questions supporting our choices as we prepare for a transformational fundraise resulting in some key strategic decisions. Thanks to Paul, we validated our path forward in a straightforward and considered way.” — Prasad Gollakota, Chief Content Officer, Finance Unlocked

“The Why Now workshop helped me step back and see the big picture. As I worked through Paul’s ‘why now’ drivers and researched other companies it helped me see the importance of timing. In our case, we started as an idea a couple years ago and now, as our product is ready for market we want to know how to future-proof it.” — Sara Tan, Founder, Novalearn

“The Why Now workshop put things in perspective. You can be passionate about something, but if the ‘now’ isn’t working for you yet, you might not be able to get it off the ground. It answered questions like: Why do projects take off the way they do? What other forces are in play to flywheel this into traction?” — Jeffrey Broer, Venture Advisor, Kophy

And here are some comments on the book:

How do we get started?

After you purchase above, you’ll receive a link to schedule a call with me. Before the call, you’ll be able to send relevant information for me to look over.